Link to movie American Blackout.
The link is so long I couldn't just link it on my ThriveLife page. 

full presentation - put on by National Geographic
This is a show you need to watch. What degree of preparedness have you made?

You can also watch it on this link 

Here's a 7 minute summary/analysis  of that film. 
Speaks of the reality of our unpreparedness. As there's a drill nationwide coming up mid November
on just this very thing, and we all know false flags accompany drills, maybe some preparedness 
should be a now thing.

If that one doesn't stir you into a little action try this one  - MegaQuake could hit North America
BBC (Full Documentary) 

And this one about the banking collapse planned for mid November during the "blackout drill"
The November shocker - Strong indication of another False Flag event to dwarf all  previous ones 
and it is coming November 13th and it involves the Banks.

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