Excel Prestige Reverse Pension Plan

Are we burned out on Reverse Pension Plans yet?
I have been watching this one a long time and have reached the conclusion with
the latest information that this is one that will probably pay out and we don't have
too long to wait; perhaps by the end of the year??

Costs $40/policy Uses AlertPay or Liberty Reserve
Receive  $70,000USD
Tell your friends and receive $2,000 per membership referral fee
Plus INSTANT bonus payments, too!

The Excel Prestige REVERSE pension plan is quite different from a traditional pension
plan, because for a one-time affordable fee of only $40., this plan pays you out one
lump sum of $70,000. BEFORE you retire, once the required membership goal has
been met.

Reverse Pension Plans have, for a long time now, been a closely guarded secret
amongst an elite few who were already rich and powerful, and traditionally anyone
wanting to participate needed to put together $50,000 to $100,000 for this special

With the advent of a strong Internet marketplace, and the ability to harness the power
of numbers, Excel Prestige is pleased to be able to bring you a world wide reverse
pension plan that everyone can afford.

Excel Prestige invites you to enjoy the following elite benefits at family rates:

One-time membership fee of $40 USD
$70,000. pay out at program completion
Offshore bank accounts and ATM cards
Purchase of unlimited policies available
Instant referral bonuses up to $18,555
$2,000. bonus per referral at pay out.
Batch pay out every 25,000 policies
You qualify if you're between 18 and 75 years

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