Huichol page 27  May 31st trip (cont)

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The pics on this pages show you what is in the lake for fish. The pesca food supply is great. June 1st was the opening day of net fishing season. Our Huichols cannot net fish commercially; only for their own food supply. Only a select group of "fisherman" from Aguamipil, the community in the middle of the lake, can fish and sell fish to the markets commercially. The sales of these fish provide the living for the whole community.  These fish are called Moharra, or Elapia; (we call them Crappy in the states) and are preferred over the Lobina, or small mouthed bass for eating. Some of them get to be 1 to 2 kilos.   In the supermarkets the Crappy (Moharra) sell for more per kilo than the small mouthed bass (Lobina). The boats come in loaded and trucks with crushed ice await them. The fish are immediately iced and taken to markets in Tepic, Mazatlan,  and Guadalajara. 

Opening day of net fishing on the reservoir

Fish are dumped into big vats and ice immediately

We're talking LOTS of fish here

Next trip we hope to be filling the foundation corners and cardboard tubes 
for the truss supports

Huichol Page 28 pics

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