Cómo matar mosquitos
How to kill mosquitos

Found at http://www.ahorabolivia.com/2009/02/20/como-matar-mosquitos 

Para ayudar con la continua lucha contra los mosquitos transmisores de la enfermedad del dengue y dengue 
hemorrágico, les traemos una trampa casera que puede matar muchos de estos insectos. Lo que básicamente 
se necesita es: 200 ml de agua, 50 gramos de azúcar negra, 1 gramo de levadura y una botella de plástico de 2 litros.

To help with the continuous fight against mosquitos  transmitting  illness  and fever, 
we give you  a trap housekeeper that can kill many of these insects. What basically is needed is: 
200 ml of water, 50 grams of brown sugar, 1 gram of yeast and a 2 liter plastic bottle and some black plastic wrap.

1. Cortá una botella de plástico por la mitad y quedate con la parte de abajo, pero no tirés la parte de arriba

   Cut the bottle into two pieces about a third of the way down from the top. In the picture above, cut it at the top 
   of the coke label.  Both pieces will be used. Cut it down far enough so the diameters of the top of the bottom
   piece and the bottom of the tapered top piece are the same as the top piece will be inverted and inserted into 
   the top of the bottom piece. If you cut it too high up, it will simply fall into the bottom piece instead of being 
   suspended up high enough.

2. Mezclá con agua caliente azucar negra. Cuando tengás el agua caliente mezclada con el azucar, enfriá el agua.
     Mix with a third cup of hot water, 50 grams (a heaping tablespoon) of brown sugar. Stir and when it is completely 
     dissolved in the water, cool it to about 90 degrees F or until it is just warm. Orange juice should work also; it 
     ferments well.

3. Añadile la levadura. No hace falta mezclarlo. Se irá creando dioxido de carbono.
Add a heaping teaspoon of yeast, like you would use in making bread. The yeast combines with the sugar and 
starts to ferment the sugar making carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide is one of the things mosquitos seek out, like 
when you breathe out.

4. Ponele la parte de arriba adentro, como formando un embudo.
    Put this mixture in the bottom of the coke bottle and insert the top piece upside down into the top of the bottom piece.
   There has to be airspace between the neck of the bottle and the top of the liquid for the mosquitos to enter the bottle via.

5. Tapá toda la botella con algo negro, y colocalo en alguna esquina de tu casa.
    Wrap the bottle, leaving the top open, with black plastic. With the bottle wrapped the mosquitos won't be able 
    to see to get out.

6. En dos semanas podrás ver la cantidad de mosquitos que murieron en la botella.
     In two weeks or less you will find a bottle full of mosquitos.

Además de limpiar sus casas de criaderos de mosquitos, podemos hacerles frente con estos métodos caseros.

Shoot a quick spray of Raid into the bottle and kill any mosquitos left alive.  Then take the bottle apart, clean it, and repeat the process from Step 2 on.


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