Our Shelter    page 3 the roof

Unloading more sand and gravel unloading more sand and gravel

Welding 1/2" rebar between I Beams  welding 1/2" rebar between 3" x 5" steel I Beams

More welding rebar between I Beams  top view of shelter - woodstove in corner.
Concrete waffleboard used to support first 2" layer of concrete.

Welding 3" support posts to 3" I Beams  
Aleks welding one of the nine 3" x 3" x 3/16" steel support posts to the 
I Beams to support the heavy roof.

Starting initial 2" concrete pour over cement waffleboard initial 2" concrete pour over cement waffleboard to support next 8" pour. Waffleboard is supported in the middle below during pour until 2" layer hardens.

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