StemTech Testimonials

Bruce Melmer
I'm a tad over 50 and feel 30. Before I started taking this stem cell nutrition product I had a few of what you would call, age related complaints. Aches, pains, fatigue etc. Not necessarily in poor health but really starting to show my age. Within a few days I noticed the arthritis in my right hand, no longer bothered me. The left shoulder pain I carried daily for eight years gone! I bounce out of bed in the morning and feel vibrant all day. At the end of the first week, I noticed I could read the ticker on CNN without my glasses. The one thing the stem cell nutrition product did for me, which I am truly thankful for, is it allowed me to finally quit smoking. Something I struggled with for 20 plus years.

Sean Notaro
When I was first introduced to the stem cell nutrition product, I was skeptical, and questioned how it could benefit a young person such as myself, who doesn't suffer from any major medical conditions. After using the stem cell nutrition product for approximately three to four weeks, I began to notice changes in my attitude. My ability to think clearly dramatically increased and so did my ability to stay calm under pressure. In addition, I have noticed my body seems to recover faster after work-outs, and the level of muscle soreness has decreased dramatically as a result of using this stem cell nutrition product. In conclusion, this stem cell nutrition product has exceeded my expectations immensely. It's finally nice to see a company to naturally produce a product that actually works!!!

Barry Jones
While working as a contractor and builder, I accidentally fell five and a half stories. I broke my back in two places, cracked four ribs, and shattered my pelvis. My major organs were displaced, including my heart. At first, people thought I was dead, but the Lord spared my life. Doctors said, it was a miracle. I was told my left leg would be paralyzed, and I would need pain medication for a year.

Surgeries and therapies were scheduled, to prevent total paralysis. After my mother brought me the stem cell nutrition product, I reduced my pain medication until no longer needed. I followed through with the physical therapy, and the doctors were amazed at my recovery, especially when I began to walk on both feet unassisted. I'm really blessed. I am now looking forward to an almost complete recovery, which was not anticipated in the beginning.

George Guyatt
I was diagnosed a few years ago with Parkinson's disease. My symptoms included loss of memory, difficulty walking and tremors. Three doctors in town, plus one at the VA, agreed I had Parkinson's. Recently, after starting on the stem cell nutrition product, I noticed a big difference.

Right away, my memory got better, and my walking improved 100%. I found it was much easier to get in and out of cars. I went to the neurologist for my regular check up and she put me through all kinds of tests, and they all came back clear. I showed no signs of Parkinson's. When she rotated my joints, she could barely detect a problem and couldn't believe what she was seeing. She asked, what I was doing differently. I told her about the stem cell nutrition product. She said, she would like to know more about the product and I would not need to come back unless I wanted to. I will never be without this stem cell nutrition product.

Lawrence Ashdown
I am 75 and for many years I've suffered from a serious lung disease related to emphysema. A section of my lungs captures air, but doesn't release it. The air expands and compresses the rest of the lung, so it can't function well. This caused me to breathe very heavily, especially when sleeping and restricted my daily activities.

A pulmonary function test and chest x-rays showed, I had lost 45% of my lung capacity. The doctor said, there was no activity in one section of my lungs. I was told there was no cure and no medication for my condition. Due to medical restrictions and the advise of my doctor, we decided against removing that part of my lung. Within three weeks of starting on this stem cell nutrition product, I noticed a definite improvement. I could walk much farther without stopping to rest. My doctor tested the oxygen level in my blood and found it had increased. He discovered some activity in the part of my lungs that showed none before.

I am now breathing better and don't hear that rattling sound in my lungs. All the congestion is cleared up. Since then, I started an exercise program and even though I push the limit, I have no soreness or stiffness in my arms, shoulders, or legs. This product has given me a much brighter outlook for the future.

Jay Stahler
I am sixty-six years old. I injured my head, neck muscles and upper torso while working. After months of physical therapy for muscle and nerve damage, two orthopedic surgeons told me, I would not have a full recovery. I needed rotator cuff surgery as well, but decided to delay as long as I could. I suffered with muscle spasms in my upper back and shoulder muscles, until I started taking the stem cell nutrition product. After six weeks, I can now sleep on either side all night long without pain. I've regained so much arm movement, and I've rejected the idea of surgery. I also have much more energy. My muscles have relaxed and don't hurt anymore. I believe I have healed, thanks to this stem cell nutrition product.

Lynn Bernal
I have been in a wheelchair for the past eleven years. I have serious joint problems and degenerative disc disease, with a separation between the 4th and 5th cervical vertebrae in my neck from a car accident in 1972, which left me a 30 percent disability.

Degenerative arthritis and serious complications set in and made it difficult for me to stand for more that three minutes at a time, without severe back spasms. At home, I needed a cane or walker, and going places such as the grocery store were impossible without my wheelchair. On top of that, my doctor recommended a knee replacement.

After five weeks on this stem cell nutrition product, I got out of my wheel chair, completely pain free! I no longer have any pain in my knee whatsoever and after an initial MRI showed calcium chipping away. I'm now told there is no immediate need for knee replacement. I also found this product increased the speed of healing. After I had a growth removed from my eyelid, it was totally healed in three days. I never saw the bruising or bloody tears my doctor predicted. I didn't have to apply any ice or take anything for discomfort.

All of the swelling was gone in the first 24 hours. After that, I had a bad fall, spraining my ankle and wrist. I'm still amazed at the quick healing process. A recent visit with both my doctor and my chiropractor brought the news that the disability in my neck has decreased to 10% from 30%. I'm so happy about the improvement. I'm sleeping soundly throughout the night without making any trips to the bathroom. Best of all, I'm out of my wheelchair completely now - it's parked in my basement. I can't say enough positive things about this stem cell nutrition product.

Anne Stahler
I have had high blood pressure since my teens. I've had many health problems throughout my life. Although I was able to get most under control, my blood pressure runs 200/140-150. My goal has always been to say goodbye to prescription drugs. I had been searching for something that might help me get off the blood pressure medications, because they are breaking down my body. About four months ago, I was introduced to this stem cell nutrition product. I was still taking a lot of blood pressure medication at the time.

After taking this product, I have been able to eliminate about 30 percent of the blood pressure medicine. My blood pressure is now usually 130/80. I've also noticed a significant improvement in my digestion and elimination. Also, my muscles feel more relaxed and I sleep better at night. Stem cell nutrition is a very important part of my maintenance program. I am thankful my friend introduced it to me.

Jane Shyloh
I am a Certified Classical Homeopath in an integrated medical office with an internist. I have worked in homeopathy for twenty-five years and have been supporting people with natural products. I came across this stem cell nutrition product approximately six months ago. It sounded very exciting, so I started using it myself and brought it into the clinic. I have seen some really positive results, some of them dramatic. In some cases, it seems to work faster with patients who have lung or heart problems. I think the body prioritizes what it needs first, and addresses the critical issues immediately. I've also used it with a fifty-four year old professional marathon runner, who healed well with it. He had torn his calf muscle, and was told by his doctor and chiropractor, he couldn't run for three months. He was very upset about this, and started taking the product daily. After ten days his muscle was healed and ran a marathon the following week.

I also know a woman who had a multitude of symptoms. She had been on four canisters of oxygen a day for many months, and could not get up or walk around because she was so short of breath. After three to four weeks on the product, she was down to half a canister of oxygen per day. I credit this to the stem cell nutrition product, since it was the only new thing she tried. I've also seen the product remove small growths on the bodies of patients and on myself. One man had a very large mole on his face, which totally disappeared. I had a small eruption on my lip that probably could have been diagnosed as a skin tag. It was very irritating to me. I had it for three years and noticed this last month that it had completely gone away. This product seems to correct these kinds of benign growths. I take the stem cell nutrition product for the anti-aging benefits as well. People now come up to me and tell me I look really great and ask me, what am I doing differently. I would not give up this stem cell nutrition product, and I recommend it to patients and friends.

Jean Olson
I injured my leg last summer and it did not heal completely. I tried the stem cell nutrition product and within the week, it felt fifty percent better. I continue to use the stem cell nutrition product and it continues to heal me. I am now sharing the product with all my friends. I was initially not interested in the business side as much as the product benefits and its powerful healing process. However, the demand for this stem cell nutrition product creates a valid business opportunity.

Kathy Hansen
The stem cell nutrition product was introduced to a friend of mine the end of July 2006. I started taking it the next day. He called me because I have two daughters that are type 1 diabetic.  I put my daughters on the product , and I started taking it myself.  If they were going to detox, I wanted the experience as well. Twelve years ago, I had a bad car accident which resulted in whiplash, causing short term memory loss and a spinal injury. As the years went by, my spine kept getting worse and worse. I was up to one to three thousand mg. of anti inflammatory a day just to function. Even with that, I would have to use the railings to walk up steps. I was in so much pain constantly. In the spring my husband and I bought select comfort "hospital" beds, to assist me in getting in and out of bed. Within the first three weeks of taking the stem cell nutrition product my memory started to return. I started to think more clearly, gained more clarity and was able to finish sentences.

When I turned 16, I developed Colitis. My entire colon and large intestine was ulcerated. I had a hard time keeping food in my body. I had my colon removed 17 ˝ years ago, as well as  two feet of my large intestine, and two feet of my small intestine. They made a pouch called an anal ileum, and attached it to my rectum to have regular bowel movements. Within the first three weeks of using  the stem cell nutrition product, I noticed I wasn't getting up to go to the bathroom as often during the night.  After about 4 weeks, I was sleeping through the whole night, with no joint pain. As time has gone on everything is so much better. I run up the stairs, carry loads, and have actually dropped two dress sizes!  I take the capsules two or three times a day, and my energy has elevated. I was feeling so good, I developed a syndrome called LJS - "Loose Jaw Syndrome". I'm on the phone morning and night, sharing as much as I can. 

Patricia Pastor
I'm very proud to be here to share my story with you. I was completely fascinated by the power of our adult stem cells for the human body, proven by my direct experience with the stem cell nutrition product. The fact, it was a natural product and realizing its potential to human kind intrigued me.  Health wise, everyone over 35 years of age needs this product. First of all, I was experiencing a degenerative hip condition in both hips. My right hip was the worse case causing limited mobility. Actually, a double hip replacement was definitely in my future. I was looking for natural alternatives when I was introduced to the stem cell nutrition product. It was truly a fascinating experience. Within five days, the chronic shooting pain I was experiencing in my right hip had decreased tremendously. After about 10 days, I could walk straight again.

Do people believe in miracles? Well, I feel like one every morning when I wake up to no pain and being able to walk on two good legs again. After my initial experience with the stem cell nutrition product, I continued to use it.  Over the course of six months, I could feel the gradual repair and strengthening in my hips and legs. The result, I now go on enjoyable walks on the beach or hiking trails, enjoy my own treadmill and unicycle again, and ride my bike. This has changed the quality of my life for the better.  Knowing the power of this product first hand, this is going to have a phenomenal impact on the health and wellness industry. My hope is, everyone will come to realize the healing power of their own being.

Paul Stramer
I have been a logger for 26 years, and operator of heavy equipment for over 40 years. As you might imagine operating equipment in the woods is hard on the body. Bouncing over rocks and stumps has affected my joint flexibility, trying to maintain control of heavy equipment can make muscles sore and tired. It's a tension situation all day long. I am 58 years old and still run this equipment in the summer. With over 55,000 hours on equipment, 36,000 on machines that cut down trees, I had trouble recovering each night from muscle soreness. I am happy to say, the stem cell nutrition product helped with that problem, within a few weeks.  I have been taking the product for over a year.  I must admit that I wasn't very careful about when and how many I took. Most days I would take at least two capsules and half of the time, four capsules per day.

I have recently increased my consumption to three capsules, three times per day. I notice improvement with joint flexibility, I actually feel like exercising now. As a result, I set up a Treadclimber and a Bowflex, which I use for 30 to 60 minutes per day, four times per week. I highly recommend the stem cell nutrition product be taken on a regular basis.  When I take the capsules at the same time every day, six hours apart, taking three capsules before going to bed, I get much better rest than I used to.  Before taking the product, I couldn't sleep for more than four hours. I would be up two or three times per night and have trouble going back to sleep. Now I sleep sometimes seven or eight hours straight through, and I dream again. I can't remember dreaming like this for many years.

My wife Gladys and I have been married for 37 years and have eight children and seven grandchildren. I want to be around for them for a long time. I think this stem cell nutrition product will help me to do that, and help give me the optimal health necessary to keep up with two generations of extended family, long enough to try to be a good influence in their lives. I can heartily recommend the product, especially for people in high stress jobs. It will help you cope with whatever comes your way. It will help you rebuild optimal health and go on to make your life better in every respect. It has for me. Just ask my wife, if I am now easier to live with. Our financial life is better than it has been for years. Please realize that stress is a real killer, and getting proper rest is very important to coping with stress. This stem cell nutrition product is wonderful for me, for exactly that purpose.

Cheryl LaBarba
My husband Jerry, continues to take the stem cell nutrition product two times daily.  His kidney function has gone from 25% one year ago  (October 2005) to about 45% as per blood work done last week. He began stem cell nutrition on December 15, 2006 and we continue to see improvement. He has had excellent progress since his kidney specialist said, that he was in the "Downward Spiral" of end stage renal failure, with no turning back and dialysis was the only option.  We will do more blood work in February and I will let you know the results. I see an overall improvement in his general all is good.

Gayle Becker
My husband was diagnosed with two small tears in his rotator cuff. He's been in excruciating pain for almost three weeks. He had been on a smaller amount of the stem cell nutrition product, but last week went to nine per day. On Monday of this week he took 13, and on Tuesday morning (literally overnight!) his mobility increased 90% and his pain level reversed from a 10 (being the worst) to a level of three!

David Cameron
I want to share my personal testimonial about this stem cell nutrition product because it's changed my life!  I had joint problems in both knees for over 10 years.  I've taken all kinds of supplements, herbs, and various nutritional drinks without any relief.  I had two MRI's and the doctors told me that I needed to have an operation on each knee because they would never get better.  In late November 2006, the pain got so bad, it was there 24/7.  I couldn't function with the pain and was about to go back to the doctors to set up a date for the first operation. That's when I heard about this stem cell nutrition product. 

I literally didn't know anything about stem cells, other than the little I had heard about in the news. I didn't think it would have any affect on the pain in my knees.  However, the information I read, and the short video I watched, were so compelling, it just seemed to make sense to take a product that would stimulate my own bone marrow to release millions more stem cells into the bloodstream and help them get to wherever my body needed repair. I started taking six capsules a day and within three days 90% of the pain in my knees was gone.  I thought this was just temporary relief and the pain would probably come back, but after seven days there was no more pain at all!  I was able to put up the outside Christmas lights (a 20-hour job) without pain for the first time in memory.  That was months ago, and now I'm taking four capsules a day, and I still have absolutely no pain in my knees.  I can now play basketball again and bike ride with my family.  I'm also sleeping much better, have lots more energy, and I've lost weight since I've been taking this stem cell nutrition product.

I've been very successful marketing various nutritional products, but I had lost interest in this field, because for years I hadn't been able to find a product, that enough people would feel noticeable results with within a relatively short period of time. With the great results, I and so many others have experienced using this stem cell nutrition product, I'm now very excited and passionate about sharing this amazing product that is helping so many people feel better, and is creating such an extraordinary business opportunity.

This is easily the most enjoyable business in which I've ever been involved! Because after finding out what stem cell nutrition is all about , so many people want the product right away.  It gives you confidence, knowing the product is patented and has been scientifically proven in clinical triple-blind studies.  And ... it's priced so well.  I feel that the timing couldn't be better for building this business, since there's absolutely NO competition as no other company has this product, and, you can't just go out to a store and buy it.  This product and opportunity may just be the best Christmas presents I've ever received!

Michelle Meyer
I tried the stem cell nutrition product in October of 2006, because it was suggested by a trusted friend.  I have S.A.D. (Seasonal Affective Disorder), also known as winter depression, caused by the absence of daylight. (I live in Minnesota). The first thing I noticed in three days I had significantly more energy and my depression seemed to have disappeared.  During the following week I started cutting my antidepressant medication in half, then discontinued it during the week after. I continue to have an increase in energy and sense of well being.  During the first week, I attended a seminar to learn about stem cell nutrition, and had a very good feeling about its ability to greatly enhance my health and that of others. At this time I was sharing my experience with others. During the following weeks I noticed that my back and neck pain had improved dramatically, to the point where I seldom visited the chiropractor anymore. In the past, due to my scoliosis (curvature of the spine) and previous injuries.

My husband decided he had better try the product, because of all it had done for me. He noticed within weeks the pain in his back and arm had greatly improved, along with increased mobility and range of motion throughout his shoulder. On his most recent pulmonary check, he had the best lung capacity that he has had in the eight years since he had mold polyps in his lungs. I sincerely enjoy and appreciate the added energy and feeling of well being, I have gained from this stem cell nutrition product. My goal is to continue to help others, while increasing my wealth in the areas of health, friendships and financial status.

Edna Hamilton
I was mainly interested in the stem cell nutrition product for my personal health, which I noticed changes overnight. I am 82 years old, and I have age spots on my face, hands and arms, and now most of them are gone, and the remaining are very faint. I noticed the wrinkles on my face have lessened and I feel more energetic and less tired. It has helped me a great deal with arthritic pain. I was very surprised at the speed and degree that it worked. I'm not a sales person, but I'm so excited about this stem cell nutrition product, I'm telling everyone I know who has health problems of any kind.

Carol Layton
For most of my life I have suffered from headaches and migraines morning till night, pretty much 24/7. Five days after starting the stem cell nutrition product, twice a day, I had slept through a hurricane and woke with no headache. For the next while I sat at my computer, for hours, days, weeks, waiting....... with no headache. Each morning I was truly amazed there was no headache. Two weeks after starting the stem cell nutrition product, I slipped on ice and cracked the back of my head. It felt like I had two heads ... but no headache. The next morning, I thought I would be stiff and sore, but I was fine, no pain, no headache! As the weeks went on, I continue to sleep well. I no longer get up three or four times a night.

My concentration is better, my balance is better and my energy has increased. My hair is growing faster, my hairdresser is getting rich trying to keep it short. The world seems calmer and easier to handle. This has all happened in under two months of taking the stem cell nutrition product.  Oh yes, did I tell you I am 75 years YOUNG.

  Ann Lovejoy
I have had massive stomach problems for over 15 years. As soon as I started taking the stem cell nutrition product, I noticed I was having more energy and less aggravation relating to both stress and to my stomach problems. Along with that, after several car accidents, I was plagued with chronic pain and in general not feeling up to par. After starting stem cell nutrition, I am walking better and able to go on long hikes with my dogs like I used to. Because of the lack of pain, I am able to sleep significantly better and live a normal life.

R. W. Williams
I was diagnosed four years ago with Phase 3 degenerative disk disease in my neck and back. I was at my wits end in December of 2006 when I was introduced to the stem cell nutrition product. After two days, I started to have relief in my neck. I am still amazed. I am now a product of the product and I believe stem cell nutrition is essential for everyone.

Frank Edwards
For the past twenty-five or so years I have had severe coughing bouts, brought on by just about everything. A couple of months ago a friend of mine suggested that the stem cell nutrition product might help. I started taking one twice a day, and in a few days I seemed to be having less severe and fewer bouts. Now after a couple of months, about ninety per cent have disappeared. I feel much better, and have a noticeable difference in energy level and stamina.

Phillip Rothenberg, M.D.
I am 68 years of age and have had incipient renal failure for about 14 years. I've been on stem cell nutrition for the last year and my last renal function tests were nearly normal!  I can't prove that it was the stem cell nutrition, but kidney function regeneration is pretty exciting news if you are looking at a possible renal transplant!

Peggy Zumbaum
I had detached retinas, and had to have immediate surgery for each eye. I was told I would never read again. Other issues included arthritis in my fingers and back, high blood pressure around 200/100 and, for a number of years I have suffered from an injury in my right knee as well as leg cramps at night. That's all gone away since I've been on the stem cell nutrition product. I can read again! The flashes and floaters have disappeared from my vision and the tightness in my eye has gone away. Now I'm on the computer all day long, every day. My arthritis no longer causes me pain, and I have a lot more flexibility.

I also get a good night's sleep every night, and those awful leg cramps are gone. My blood pressure remains at a normal 120/80 and there is no more pain in my knee or my feet. I can't believe the energy and stamina I have now! My hair was snow white, but it's regaining its darker color, and I've lost six inches off my waistline, although I haven't done anything other than to make sure I take the stem cell nutrition product every day.

Don Miller
I am sixty-five years old and before I began taking the stem cell nutrition product, I had terrible problems with pressure in my sinuses. I would wake up at four in the morning with my head throbbing and sinus pressure continued throughout the day. I also had restless leg syndrome, and terrible leg cramps. I would have to take something at night, so I could go to sleep. I started taking the stem cell nutrition product approximately two months ago. In a matter of two or three days, I noticed an improvement in all of my symptoms. My sinuses no longer bother me. I sleep soundly through the night without taking anything, and I also have a lot more energy during the day. Recently I had a run-in with a colt.  X-rays showed I had a broken rib, which healed much faster than expected. Within ten days I felt big improvements and the pain was gone. The soreness left quickly and my ribs don't bother me at all. I have always heard that it's important to have a normal pH level, but mine has been very low. Nothing I've used before affected my pH level, but now, with this product, my pH is in the healthy range. I am so thankful for this stem cell nutrition product.

Jeff Solomon
I started taking the stem cell nutrition product for better health and to provide others with the same. Within three to four days of taking the product I started noticing increased energy levels. I also noticed positive changes in my eczema, a marked decrease in pain level due to chronic tendonitis and fybromyalgia ..."My life went from minus zero to a plus ten in no time." The stem cell nutrition product has given me my life back. I have now joined a training clinic and will participate in the Vancouver Sun Run.

Gene Zumbaum
I had hernia surgery about four years ago, and afterwards developed blood clots in my legs. My foot swelled up and became discoloured from the restricted circulation, intense pain, especially in my right leg and groin area. It was nearly impossible to walk. I suffered with this condition until recently.

Almost immediately after starting on this stem cell nutrition product, I experienced complete relief. The pain went away. The swelling went down and my foot became a healthy pink color. As a added bonus, the arthritis that plagued the joints in my hands is completely gone. Also, my high blood pressure has normalized. This product has turned back the clock for me. At nearly eighty years of age, I'm in better shape than I was in my fifties.

Syd Pastor
I was first introduced to this stem cell nutrition product by my niece, who is well versed in the education field and has a degree in Acupuncture and Eastern medicine. Being the skeptic that I am, I processed the information with a grain of salt. After numerous conversations and due discourse, I was presented with the opportunity to hear the founder of the company speak in Las Vegas. After hearing him speak, my interest increased expediently. I decided to try the stem cell nutrition product and  proceed based on the results of that trial period.

The results for me have not been dramatic, but notably positive. I've definitely noticed a more even tempered energy level. I no longer have the proverbial after lunch/late afternoon energy fatigue. My energy level is more evenly balanced and remains at a higher level for a longer period of time. This, coupled with the promising business opportunity makes this stem cell nutrition product all the more attractive.

Jack Dean Yoos
I am seventy-three years old and for the past fourteen years I have had chronic, excruciating pain in my neck, hip, knees and legs, due to degenerative hip tissue. I used a cane to walk and couldn't sit or stand for more than fifteen minutes at a time. I couldn't bend over to pick up anything and couldn't even put on my socks or shoes. Normally, it took me a couple of minutes to get out of my car with extreme pain. Medication brought little relief. Within thirty minutes of taking this stem cell nutrition product, I noticed a warm tingling feeling in my left hip and upper leg for the first time in over four years. Shortly afterwards, I could lift my leg with very little pain, and got out of my car much quicker than before. That night, instead of getting up six to eight times to go to the bathroom, I only got up once.

The next morning, I got in and out of the bathtub and pulled on my pants without pain. After one week, I was breathing better without coughing. Now I'm sleeping straight through the night. I can sit and stand for a much longer period of time without pain. People are telling me that my hair is becoming darker, returning to my natural color. The pain in my back, legs and knees is now gone, and my left hip hurts only 25 percent as bad as it did. I walk half the time without my cane and can climb up and down steps without hesitation. My waist has gone down from 44 to 36 inches without dieting. I can see and feel my body reshaping, rebuilding, repairing and seemingly going back to a youthful state. I have an overall feeling of calmness and am completely at ease. I feel great. I assure you that I will be taking this stem cell nutrition product every day for the rest of my life. I will not go without it.

Andy Bateman
I am 64 years old and own and operate a small but successful painting company called, Great Lakes Coatings for the past 12 years. I was introduced to the stem cell nutrition product by my friend at Christmas time, 2006. The timing could not have been better. For the past three years my body was literally falling apart.  I was too afraid to see a doctor.  It had been over 30 years since my last visit to a doctor.  My blood pressure had soared to over 220/110 and I had become very obese. (235 lbs.)  I had many aches and pains and very poor circulation to the back of my legs. Three years ago while on a summer break, I became dizzy and had a hard time getting my left leg into my van.  This lasted three or four days, but I still kept on working, to this point in time.  I knew I had to make some changes or I was not going to be around much longer.

After watching a video on stem cell nutrition, I was intrigued by how the product assisted the body’s stem cells in the natural healing of the body. I had never been on any kind of medication before and started taking two capsules of the stem cell nutrition product in the morning, starting the 1st of January 2007.  As a result of taking the product I now have more desire to do more exercising and have started making healthier food choices. I've never checked out so many nutritional facts on packaging in my life and grocery shopping is much slower. After two months on my new regimen I am proud to announce that my weight is down 20 pounds, and my blood pressure has dropped to an average of 140/85, which I monitor three times a day.  Also most of the pains I was experiencing have gone away.

Marg Turner, my girlfriend of 20 years, has had arthritis in her wrists and ankles for a long time, and was living in constant pain. She has tried many products over the years.  She had a very hard time holding a pen to even write her name.  Since being on the stem cell nutrition product for two months, she is now virtually pain free. She can't believe how pretty her writing is now. She even has more flexibility to bend over to tie her shoes. I truly believe this stem cell nutrition product has been the catalyst to a new and better lifestyle for me. It has given me a new well being, purpose in my life, and could do the same for you.

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  Stem cells can form cartilage and bone  

-Science (The world's leading journal of original scientific research) 284, 143- 147; 2 Apr 1999

Stem cell patients showed significant improvements in nerve conduction velocities, and showed maintenance or slight improvement in bone mineral density  

-Bone Marrow Transplant 215-222; Aug 2002, published by the NIH

 Bone marrow-derived stem cells appear able to form neuronal tissues  

-Science 290, 1775-1779; 1 Dec 2000

 Bone marrow stem cells can form liver, skin, and digestive tract cells  

-New England Journal of Medicine 346, 738-746; 7 March 2002 

 Bone marrow stem cells can also participate in cutaneous healing, contributing to repair of wound healing   

-Journal of Cellular Physiology 196, 245-250; 2003 

 Stem cells participate in the generation of new neurons within the human brain  

-Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 100, 1364-1369; 4 Feb 2003

 Bone marrow stem cells have also been shown to contribute to Purkinje cells (Purkinje cells are brain cells that science had believed are not generated after birth)  

-Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 100, 2088-2093; 18 Feb 2003

 Mobilized stem cells have also been used in renewal of

cardiac tissue (Mobilized stem cells are those that have released into the bloodstream)

-Journal of Clinical Investigation 107, 1395-1402; June 2001

 Bone marrow stem cells have also shown the ability to participate in renewal of retinal tissues   

-Nature Medicine 8, 1004-1010; Sept 2002

Human marrow stem cells have been shown to form cartilage cells 

-Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 99, 4397-4402; 2 Apr 2002

 Bone marrow derived stem cells have also been shown capable of renewing muscle tissue   

-Science 279, 1528-1530; Mar 6, 1998

Bone marrow stem cells can participate in restoring kidney tissue   

-Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 14, S48-S54; 2003

Repopulation of liver cells from bone marrow stem cells could take place in humans  

-Nature 406, 257; 20 July 2000

Bone marrow derived stem cells have also demonstrated the ability to induce renewal of the pancreas  

-Bone Marrow Transplant 215-222; Aug 2002

Bone marrow derived stem cells can renew cardiac tissue and improve cardiac performance in humans  

-Nature Medicine 7, 430-436; April 2001 and many more

Studies indicate evidence that bone marrow stem cells can renew lung tissue   

- Development 128, 5181-5188; December 2001

Stem cells can home to lung tissue, then participate in renewal of lung tissue and reduction of inflammation  

-Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 100: 8407-8411; 8 July 2003

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