Whew!!!!  What an eye opener, huh?

Need more???  There’s more – how about the movement which has been underway for some time now to biologically wiping us all out??


New World Order - Hoax or reality??

This section is made of of many articles and references to show you that the new world order prophesied in the bible already has the components  set in place and is ready to happen.

Concentration/labor camps DO  exist in America today in preparation for world order takeover; over 300 of them now - many are named here http://www.sharelynx.net/Papers/Holocaust.htm   

Index of concentration camps in America set up to receive Americans when the UN takes over America



Report # 1 July 17, 2001 "NORAD Source Tells of US Military Role Under Coming Martial Law"

Pam Schuffet reporting from across the USA-

I recently interviewed (while in Germany) a former US military source with previous high level security clearances and who was formerly employed at NORAD in Cheyenne Mountain in Colorado. During his period of working there in
security, he was shown a glossy military manual illustrating the US military vision for the coming New World Order, with future projections up to the year 2020. In this manual, he noted that the borders between Canada, America and Mexico were ALL ERASED and realigned.

He was shown how TEN POWERFUL MEN would be over this New World Order, who were also very powerful in the business/financial world. He was told that all the banks would merge into a "world bank" plus many other things regarding the coming New World Order.

While employed at NORAD, he was informed as to how the US Post Offices would be used for REGISTRATION of ALL AMERICAN CITIZENS under MARTIAL LAW. He was assigned to a local Post Office in the event of MARTIAL LAW and trained in "how to execute citizens IF THEY OFFERED RESISTANCE" while registering at the US Post Offices.

(One bullet through the back of the head with a high powered military handgun.) He admitted that families would then actually be separated from loved ones during the US Post Office registration procedure, and some would be sent off to "work camps" (concentration camps, even as were the Jews who were only told that it was "work camps"?) Buses and vans would be waiting at the Post Offices to transport them away.

When he was invited to become a part of the coming New World Order military agenda, he declined...as did many other military men. But many also accepted this offer. He then personally showed me his file with his official military papers indicating his work at NORAD, and his high positions in the military and combat security status.

He knows that the US military's role in COMING MARTIAL LAW IS REAL. For the US military, THE NEW WORLD ORDER IS A COMING REALITY.
