Warning Re: 
 investment programs on the web

The internet today is like walking through a minefield, amongst the real opportunities to create freedom are the many bombs; and lately there has become a proliferation of the bombs preying on people's greed.  This dissertation  covers a lot of ground in this area. Please read it all before investing in anything on my site. 

Please understand I am NOT a financial advisor. I am not a broker. I am not involved in the securities industry.  I will NOT advise you in where to put your money in  programs. Don't email me or call me to ask.  You have to figure that out for yourself if you choose to get involved.  I have personally invested in all categories of the opportunities you find on this site to provide more free time and a better lifestyle for my family and to be able to help others not so fortunate as well, and my list is large.   I am only SHARING with you the opportunities I have found to help accomplish this. And before you start sharing be sure to read the info on my homepage regarding the SEC filing a lawsuit against you for sharing anything not SEC approved. But it comes with risk. You should not put any money into ANY of these  ventures that you could not afford to lose and which would create a financial hardship in your life if you DID lose it. It is just as easy to lose money in this arena as it is in the traditional stock market. But if you follow the strategies presented which are a collection of  ideas from many of the people vested in these ventures that ARE making a living from this stuff, the potential for increasing your financial position is very great compared to any other way of getting ahead; especially if you follow the main game plans. 

The main game plan I follow is to invest small amounts of money into as many of these opportunities as I can and spread the risk of any one failing.  I start with the most proven investments first and then even include some  less proven ones that may turn out to be scams or bombs due to poor management. Second step of the gameplan is to recoup my seed money as soon as I can. If the investment turns a 2-1 or 3-1, I take out my original investment monies so I am  then playing on their money instead of mine. NEVER violate this rule. When you get greedy and do, you will inevitively get burned. And thirdly, I don't try to let my investment soar into the big numbers; I take little bits out along the way and I  see real money instead of just virtual dreams. Fourth, have patience with administration  - some of these programs come to the net with a small crew, totally unprepared for the mass numbers the net can deliver.

Any or all of these opportunities must be considered high risk, for various reasons, even though some may have a long-standing positive record of timely payouts. Offshore banking infrastructure is often inadequate to cope with the high demands that may occur as a program becomes popular.  In our new age of high-speed communications a program can spread very quickly and the administrators can suddenly find themselves overwhelmed. This means that a program which starts out with excellent service can experience delays and problems as it struggles to find alternative banking service and/or system upgrades: we are on a new frontier with the advent of the World Wide Web. Several of the ventures profiled on this site  are involved in bank debenture or paper trading schemes. 

Some investments are  considered very secure , contrary to what governments and the financial establishment would have you believe. Other programs outlined on this site  are art opportunities, gifting programs, games or other forms of "investments," marginally nominated. While these must be considered as very high risk, they are chosen on the basis of hours spent on discussion boards and in email/phone contact with others who are making good profits from them.  We do not generally consider any gaming programs for inclusion.  For that, you can go to a casino. Sometimes, a program is chosen for participation on the basis of a gut feeling, wherein we will "test" it with a small amount of money and proceed on a larger scale once we have experienced a combination of excellent service and cash returns in hand. When such is the case, it will be noted in the profiles on this site, which are under constant revision. 

Thank-you for your interest in getting ahead and welcome to our world of wealth-creating games, HYIP's (High Yield Investment Programs), art opportunities, gifting programs, MLM's and other tools for accomplishing the mission. 

Proceed with caution, taking this information as your preliminary guide, for there is nothing like performing your own due diligence, as we can take no responsibility whatsoever for the decisions you make on the basis of this or any other information that you are led to as a result of what you read here .

Remember to always read all the information on the websites as they are given, as well as any message boards or forums associated with them. Sometimes information on a website is updated on a message board but still remains  outdated and inaccurate on the website.

And regarding taxes; you are still making money here although it is considered unearned income instead of income you are putting in time and labor for. You have to declare for tax purposes your income from interest bearing bank savings accounts, and you pay income taxes on that income but usually not social security taxes. The same is applicable to offshore earnings. You must pay income tax on the profits but normally not social security taxes.

Here is a letter I sent out to my newslist  - following two months of increased minefield activity - meaning many more scams  being proliferated and coming upon the scene and stealing our money. It serves  as an additional warning to what is stated above. 

 It’s time to reassess what we are doing folks, and to pool some ideas.   This may be a little long and rambly; my stomach turmoiled all day long today; not because of my loses but because of yours and the loss of our faith in everyone’s ability to get ahead as well as a loss of faith in our fellow man. With today’s demise of Positive Investment Club it has become very apparent that those of us with trusting souls that believe  in the golden rule do not have a clue about how the real world, globally,  operates today.   It is with good reason our Lord Jesus Christ is returning to earth soon to clean house.  We who are able to make ends meet and can somewhat provide for our families do not understand that the hardship most of the world suffers breeds dishonesty and thievery as an acceptable way of life. I saw this when I was in Russia, I saw this when I was in Brazil, and in Mexico; and yes it even exists in the United States in many places.    The internet has not only brought us real opportunities but has brought with them the many ways people will steal from one another without blinking an eye. 
 They’re not even making up new letters anymore. Each one is almost a carbon copy of the last one  “Dear Investor, We blew it, your money is gone, so what, good bye”.  It isn’t just Positive Investment Club; they are just the straw that breaks the camel’s back. A true trading company that wouldn’t vest more than 5 or 10% in any one trade would not vest 79% into a single trade and break their rules.   This was a pure and simple scam from the start.  They paid long enough for people to get comfortable that they might be real so they would put more money in and then just decided the kitchen was too hot and just booked. There was probably no trading ever associated with Positive Investment Club. It’s the accumulation of debris in the form of 4x1, 10x1, E-Trust, archpromotion, Atlantis, Asian Art, Bessarabian, Stock Generation, VBT, Big Gains, cycle 48, cycle weekly, 3X, PGProject, Hearts of Gold, XG-Gold, E-Trust, Emerald Trust, HRA, Zeiter Oil, Liberty Club, Persian Kitty art, virtual enchantment, Nova investments, Warhorse maybe;  the list goes on and on; that brings us to the conclusion that we have to do business differently. See also the blacklist .

 Is there protection in time??  Not always. When Emerald Trust came on last April or May there were people who said they had been paid for over two years from these guys.  I had people send me copies of their statements proving such. Those of us who referred a lot of people into ET never saw a dime of referral money and most of us never had at least some of our investments confirmed when they left town. They’ve had months to come back to us; and chose not to. But ET had come to the table with a proven track record and still failed us. Most of us at that point in time couldn’t fathom someone would really do that to us. LifeClub and Pocket Money who have been mainstays for sometime in people’s programs just closed up shop along with Gold Bullion Club. Time is not always the answer either.

Most of the ones stated above who we have lost money in in the last two months are newbies who come on with big promises, a free website like Homestead, or TriPod, or Hot yellow,  instead of a  website of their own; or even NO website – just send the money to my e-gold account for us to  steal the easy way; a free email address from ziplip, or yahoo, or hushmail – with nary a boo about who they are, a real address, a real email address or a phone number. I think the days of investing in these is over. If they are not perpetrated by the same group of people over and over; they ARE perpetrated by a similar dishonest mentality.

And even the fact that the opportunity has NO website or real email address is not always proof they are a scam either . CTG is probably the best example of real bankers and lawyers who DO know how to make money but hadn’t a clue about being internet savy or what it took to organize the internet scene into their trading program. The lawyer mindset said; “If we can make the money, everything else will just fall into place”  Well, they had no idea of the power of the internet or the people it could bring to them. They kept undergoing one success after another in the trading end of it because of the additional money coming in and that kept commanding more and more of their time and the car still wasn’t being built around the engine.  They’ve had help since then to get this part of it together, but things ain’t running the way they need to be yet; although  it’s partway through the assembly line now anyway. Either have patience with this one or come back when  everything is in place. Don't whine about anything until the website is in place and you can see your stats.

  The point is; I can’t place rules on what works and what doesn’t that apply to all cases.

 Luckily we do have some investments that do do what they say.  There are real opportunities to create wealth and a nestegg along with all these scams. At first we all thought the Rent/mortgage program was pie in the sky too.  But in six months when people started getting paid out, and then the second batch of people started getting paid out; we came to realize this was another for real one. Armtrust, Wealth management, Baronheim, Cardinal Club,  PayDay Power, Cornucopia Club, HYO Club,   and quite a few others HAVE shown us we can make reasonable returns on the net that don’t turn out to be scams.

 As time goes on we meet better programs and the people behind them that DO make them work.

 Although most of us detest MLM programs, anyone that hasn’t included a telcom program in their arsenal is missing the boat.  Everyone uses the phone; my Cognigen business grows every month.  That little 6% of Joe’s $20 phone bill each month adds up.   And Cognigen charges NOTHING to be an agent; plus besides 7 plans of long distance service you can sell phonecards, computers, satellite TV setups – that’s a tough deal to beat folks.

 In Europe 80% of the population has pre-paid legal; legal insurance, just like we buy health insurance.   In America that number is 1-2%; with the internet as  a tool, that business is on a logarithmic curve straight up and you’ve got 98% of the customers left to go show it to.   That will be a large part of our income stream in a couple months.

 The point in all this rambling is this.  Yes, we’ve been burned these last two months. And we keep going back for more. Do you really think you are going to get a check for 7000% by Christmas in that one. Would you be surprised if you got the standard, “ We blew it, lost your money, so sorry, goodbye” letter instead??  I wouldn’t be.   Would I blame anyone else but myself???   No.   But we can do better folks.

 I was told by a lawyer NOT to give advice to anyone and not to rate my programs on my website.    We do know that if we settle for 5-20% a month that there is a good chance those survive and pay out.  Emerald Trust promised 50% a month. But what good was it if they never made it to payout.  CTG still puzzles me how they do what they do , but in all my many communications with them over the last 6 months I still get the impression making the returns is not the problem with them; just dealing with the administration of the profits because so many people are not properly logged in yet.  And that part is well underway right now; although we’ve got a ways to go yet. 

 The problem with rating is ones like Moneytree4you – he has good stuff on his site and he has stuff that will probably turn out to be scams just like some of mine have.  It doesn’t fit in either category.

Bottom line is this; we are all in this together to help each other.  In 23 years of being in the heating business I never sold a stove based upon profit margin; only what was best for the customer. And many times I lost the sale because I refused to sell the person what he wanted because it was not in his best interest so he got ticked off and went down the road and bought the mistake somewhere else.  That’s okay; I’m the one who got to sleep good that night.  God doesn’t let you do what’s right only when it is convenient. The rule of the new testament  applies all of the time. Although I have earned sponsor money on many of the programs posted on my site; never has that been the reason it was posted there. I’m as naïve as many when it comes to should I or shouldn’t I.   What if it works??  Think how many people that would help. I think we have to change the gameplan a little bit here.  Let’s pretend we are Yugoslavians and our Milosevic  is the scams. 

 What I  would really like from you are some ideas to post and share with all the others.    What are YOUR strategies, those of you who have been doing this for a while, to keep from getting burned  by the group of opportunities I mentioned earlier  that burned most of us.   What rules do you go by before laying down your money. My website is a place for all to share and all to help others by sharing what works and what doesn’t work. I need to do a better job of that and we all know that many heads are better than one. I’ll bet we can collectively come up with some strategies that can be more effective in dealing with this situation.

 Now I realize that with a 2000 person listserve this is opening up a whole can of worms to consume time I don’t have.     But I do want to study your answers and see if we can’t  organize a better effort and perhaps some  rules to keep others, as well as ourselves, from getting waylaid by the obviously increasing number of scam artists coming onto the internet scene. 

For more insight into the difference between what we consider actual investments and art ops go to    here  

Also check out the info on these links

additional information          

crossing the pond with crocs and gators

consumer net fraud information

sources of contact to report scams

teach your child about government
