Huichol page 24

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On this trip we finished nailing the trim batting boards to the backside 
corners of the el baņo; repaired the cracks in the mortar so we can next 
coat the backside to the rock with an elastomer meant for concrete roofs 
so water doesn't run into the outhouse hole. We still have to seal the wood 
with Thompson's water seal and finish the rock stairway up to the entrance.
Besides the curtain doorway (too hot for a real door here) I added a red "ocupado" flag so when the outhouse is in use others coming to it will see 
that and give the person inside privacy. We also added a bicycle horn at the entrance path so the person wanting to use the outhouse when the red flag is out can let the person inside know someone else is waiting to use it. 
The curtain door and "ocupado" flag added to outhouse 

The highlight of this trip for me had to be when a woman and her two 
children paddled into Campamento Agua Fria by canoe to attend church 
service Saturday morning. Already the word is spreading on the lake who 
we are. I would not be so bold as to state that we can reach all the families 
on the lake with Christianity; but by our actions in helping others perhaps 
we can reach many with the gospel message of the salvation of Jesus. 

Visitors coming in by canoe for church service 

Next trip is May 25th and entails installing a temporary roof structure for 
shade and rain protection while we build the main community center. Rainy season is less than a month away. We will use 6 pieces of 6" U channel 
and 14 pieces of 1 meter wide x 4 meters long corrugated galvanized roofing which will constitute the last third of the community shelter roof. We will also start concrete pours on the corner pillars. I will use the removable 17" x 17" box I made for the Caji church foundation pillars. Our lowest pillar will be 8' difference in height from the uppermost pillar at the base. 

Corrugated roofing  is not my recommendation for roof material. I wanted to use the San Miguel terra cotta asphalt sheets like we used on the outhouse(see second pic in the boat on page 19); for appearance and less rain noise. But for lower cost, a reflective nature of sun rays instead of absorption and re-radiation of heatwaves underneath (which was explained to them also),  and an easier installation they all voted on the galvanized corrugated sheets. It is not my intent here to force what I think is best on them but to support Dago and them in their wishes. So corrugated it will be. They are putting in the "Y" shaped poles to support the  U channel steel 6 meter beams that will support the roofing. 

Huichol page 25 pics

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