Huichol page 30  June 7th trip (cont)

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Hey , the Huichols even have their own herd of Brahamas; well, at least 
a herd of Brahamas wanders through camp and uses their trails to get 
to the reservoir.  The owner is supposed to remove them but hasn't yet. 

Brahmas using the Huichol trails to get to the reservoir for water.

Marcos has been clearing the place where he will build his home.

Marcos cleared spot on the plateau where he wants his home

Chaleo and his wife Rosa chose a spot a little further away but have a 
grand vista view of the lake below .

Chaleo and Rosa chose a lake view for their home location.

Next trip we hope to be welding and erecting two of the three trusses.

Huichol Page 31 pics

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